This isn't a dress rehearsal! The world is waiting for YOU to show up!
Do you make yourself small or shrink from the grandest of possibilities so you don't make yourself or others uncomfortable? Do you have a big vision for what your life could be like if only you could identify, connect with, and embrace all of the power inherent in your own unique talents and gifts...but you’re unsure about exactly how to make that happen?
We all play small at some point in our lives, I get it. We feel disempowered and ineffective.
What if you chose today, right now, to quit hiding yourself and to embrace all of the power that is within you. Imagine what doors you will open for yourself when you connect with all of your BIG power.
When you are living a PoweredUp life, you have clarity. You are creative and effective. You can make your dreams come true.
Are you ready to take the steps necessary to live your PoweredUp Life?
I invite you to explore the following statements...
Mentally record a "yep, that's me" or a "nope, doesn't resonate" for each
My business/profressional life feels stagnant
I feel caught in the crashing waves of life/business and powerless to get my head above the water.
Stress and anxiety have begun to feel normal.
I feel out of tune with my emotions and find myself over-reacting or numbing out.
I lack confidence in my ability to identify my desires and to manifest the life of my dreams.
I don't feel able to express and receive unconditional love in my relationships with others.
I see myself as separate and not fitting in.
I have difficulty clearly communicating my "yeses" and/or my "nos" in alignment with my own personal truths.
I second guess my intuition and turn my decision making power over to others.
There isn't much that excites me about my day to day life, I find myself looking forward to sleeping, browsing the internet, watching TV, or just getting through whatever I'm doing.
I'd like to get my creative juices flowing, but it seems someone left an empty juice bottle in the fridge.
I am showing up for work everyday but I don't feel very engaged. Receiving my paycheck is the only thing that keeps me motivated.
Even though I keep checking things off my to do list, it doesn't feel like I are getting much done.
My days all blur together and I am likely to ask, "Is this Tuesday or Thursday?"
When I see "free time" in my schedule I am too tired or unmotivated to do anything interesting with it.
When asked "How are you?", "Meh.", would be my authentic answer.
I fantasize about getting away ...and not just away on vacation.
I'd like to add something new to my life, but I'm sure that I'll never have enough time and/or energy for it.
Even though I think I'd be happier if I made a change, it's easier and more comfortable to stay where I am. I may even get some enjoyment out of complaining about it a little bit.
I am constantly playing small even though I know I can play a bigger game.
I just can't seem to put an actionable plan together for my life/business. I feel really stuck.
I know that it will take passion, willpower, commitment, persistence, and guts to turn my life/business around and I don't feel up to the challenge.
I am procrastinating big important decisions and actions and instead I am focused on the minutia.
I am setting unrealistic goals for myself, my business, and others.
I am using "I am to busy" as an excuse to avoid doing things that really matter.
I am giving away my time and my power to people and situations that do not add any value to my personal or business "bottom line".
I have so many balls in the air and I am having a hard time deciding what to prioritize. It all seems so important.
I am not feeling passionate about my work but I am not sure what else I would do.
If most of your answers were "yep, that's me" then it is likely that you are stuck in a pretty challenging place and you aren't feeling very inspired by your life ...which means you aren't living the fullest expression of your self and the opportunity to inspire others isn't available to you.
In fact... was not so long ago that I sat down and answered "yep, that's me" to just about every single item on that checklist. It was in that moment of realization that I became intensely aware of just how off track everything had gotten, I had to come face to face with my greatest obstacle...MYSELF.
It wasn't that I couldn't white knuckle it through another 12 to 15-hour day at a job that I wasn't feeling passionate about. It wasn't that I couldn't continue to ignore the physical and emotional toll that stress and anxiety were taking on me. But, I knew I had a choice to make. I could stay where I was, or I could decide to choose another path forward.
So, in that moment, I made the choice that we all must make if we want to live inspired, fulfilled, PoweredUp lives...
I chose to take complete responsibility for all of the realities in my life!
Was the transition from there to where I am today an easy one?
Most days I felt like I was climbing a mountain that had no summit. Chipping away at my old habits and patterns was an uncomfortable, slow, and methodical process.
I got really clear on what my mission and values are. I wrote out short-term and a long-term plans and I continue to tweak them. I take small actionable steps every single day. I found and continue to work with mentors, coaches, and accountability partners. I am digging deep. I am investing in myself every time, my efforts, and all the resources that are available to me are being used to create my new reality.
What does my new reality look like? I wake up every day feeling PoweredUP! I am eating better. I am exercising more. I am feeling less stressed and anxious. I am enjoying being back in the entrepreneurs seat. I am adding value out in the world every single day. I am working less, accomplishing more, and making more money. I am creating lots of new stuff. I am implementing cool business ideas that have been on the back burner for a long time. I am painting, writing, spending time with friends and family members, volunteering in my community, and, as a lifelong student, I am enjoying having time in my schedule to pursue all the new things I want to learn about.
The Good News is that you, too, can begin living your PoweredUp Life today!
I believe that whether you run your own business or not, a creative and entrepreneurial approach is critical to fully blossom in the modern world and to experience the happiness and fulfillment you deserve.
Most importantly, I believe that no matter what your dreams or obstacles, you have the power to change your life and, by doing so, you’ll change the world.
We all like to do our own thing. But going at it alone is not always the best idea.
There comes a time when you need some support to ensure that you reach your full potential. And that’s where hiring a coach becomes an incredibly empowering decision.
I’ve personally experienced the benefits of hiring coaches. They have helped me:
Get unstuck and find motivation
Challenge myself to discover and try new things
Increase my creativity and income
Feel supported and encouraged
Identify my strengths and weaknesses
Gain more confidence
Establish and reach audacious but realistic goals
Prioritize my and my business needs first
Be accountable to someone
Harness my ideas into fully actionable plans
Access tools and techniques for success
Hiring a Coach is an Investment in Yourself!
If you're anything like me, your mind/ego doesn't like change and it will come up with a million reasons why you should procrastinate taking the next step to living your own PoweredUp life.
Before I learned to work with it, my ego was a master excuse crafter - and I usually succomed to its messaging. One of the most prolific messages that my ego conjured up was:
"I'm not good enough"
From this "not good enough" place, I played small. I compared myself to other people. I lacked confidence in my own unique way of showing up in the world. I felt awkward around other people. My creativity suffered. I turned my power over to other people.
If that doesn't seem tough enough, depending on the situation, here are some of the other fear-based excuses my ego crafted for me when I was facing decisions that would rock my life boat a little bit:
Excuses About Time
I’m too busy to do what I love.
I don’t have time to discover what I’m passionate about.
I’ve already put a lot of time into a different path.
I’ll do it—someday.
It’s too late for me now.
Excuses About Money
I don’t have the money to get started.
I need to continue earning exactly what I earn now.
I can’t make any changes until I pay off my debt.
I need a bigger safety net before I take a risk.
What if I can’t make any money at it?
Excuses About Knowledge
I don’t know where to start.
I don’t know enough to start.
I’m not smart enough to succeed.
I don’t know if I can make it.
I’m not an expert.
Excuses About Other People
My friends and family don’t think I can do this.
My friends and family don’t think I should do this.
I need to focus on the people who need me.
I don’t have anyone to do this with.
It’s all about who you know—and I don’t know the right people.
Excuses About Probability
Things likely wouldn’t pan out.
Many people have tried to do this and failed.
I’ll probably be scared and uncomfortable if I try.
I’m not sure if this is the “right” decision.
I began to understand that all of those messages were based on conditioned patterns and not on truth. I realized that I had the power to change the messages, so I did and my life has been forever transformed!
You, too, can begin right now to change the internal messages that are holding you back.
You see, the world needs you exactly as you are, with your unique blend of skills, talent, and potential. The difference you make isn’t just about where you end up, but also how you learn, grow, and share on the way there.
Start right where you are today, believe in yourself, and take a leap of faith straight into your POWEREDUP life!
What are you waiting for? Contact me today and let's get started!