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Living joyfully, loving deeply, laughing loudly and serving willingly!
I am a PoweredUp! mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, friend, vegan, serial student, entrepreneur, business and personal development strategist, and proposal management/writing guru.
Like most people, I have faced many challenges in my life. In fact, there was a time that I was sure I didn't want to be here any longer. My own personal power felt non-existent. I made the decision to dig deep and I aligned myself with some people who championed my personal, professional, and spiritual development. Today I am living a PoweredUp! life and I am grateful for each moment!
I love working with my clients from that place of experience to co-create strategies that take their businesses and/or personal lives from powerless to PoweredUp! I have been practicing meditation and yoga for nearly a decade, and have been a student of breathwork for the last five years. I love conducting transformative classes and workshops and I am currently writing my first book. When I need some chill time I enjoy being with my family; painting; gardening; cooking really awesome vegan meals; or cuddling with my two companion kitties, Leela and Callie.
In a sentence, I am grateful to be fully alive and living the PoweredUp! life of my dreams.
Thank you to all of you who have walked with me on this crazy journey. Your love and support - mixed with a little of my own spunk, grit, and determination - lit my path.
To the many, many relationships that are yet to be developed: I look forward to meeting you! I can hardly wait to co-create with you and stand as your champion as you journey more deeply into your own PoweredUp! life.
In Love and Deep Gratitude -
...your personal power champion